Picture of Ken and Linda with their tandem

Title: End to End by Tandem. Ken & Linda Hardy


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We are both members of the Christadelphians and go to the Christadelphian Hall in Sheffield.

We have been members for a good part of our lives and are committed to following the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe that by reading the whole of the Bible regularly we can find the truth of what life is all about and how we can look forward to a wonderful future in the Kingdom of God. We believe that this Kingdom is soon to be set up on the earth, with Jesus as King, reigning from Jerusalem over the whole of the Earth.

We believe that the present condition of the human race is only temporary and that the coming Kingdom will start the change to a world where everyone will worship and obey God and the world will be a much better place as a consequence. However, we believe that there is the opportunity now for anyone who will respond to the teaching of God in the Bible to be saved from this present unhappy condition where we are dominated by sin and death and all the consequences of that and to look forward in hope to eternal life in the Kingdom, to live and reign with Jesus, guiding the people of the earth back to God, our Creator.

If you would like more information about the Christadelphians, please follow the links to the Sheffield Christadelphians web site or the main Christadelphian web site.

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